I currently have six wind chimes in my garden. I enjoy them for their sound, appearance and the way they add fantasy and whimsy to my garden. All of them were free, or purchased at a discount. I will tell you more about that later in this blog.
Three Things To Consider When Adding A Wind Chime To Your Garden.
A wind chime is a noise maker so the first thing to consider of course, is the sound. Wind Chimes are available in a variety of different sounds from deep and throaty to light and crystal like. Those made of plastic may have a more clacking type sound. If possible, listen to the sound of a wind chime before purchasing it. Ask yourself, is this a sound you want to hear every time the wind blows? Also, what about during a storm or heavy winds. Will the continued sound be a comfort to your ears or will it drive you crazy?
My mother told me about a visit she and my father made to friends in another state. They were close friends so my parents chose to stay at their house allowing them to spend more time together. When they went to bed, it soon became apparent that there was a loud wind chime outside the bedroom window. It was a rather windy night so the ‘noise maker’ chimed throughout the night. They experienced very little sleep that night. As a result, she refused to ever have wind chimes in her own yard or garden.
Be a considerate neighbor. Will the sound be something pleasing for the nearby neighbors, or will they find it irritating and annoying? I am blessed with great neighbors on each side of me. Even though I knew they would not object, I did ask them if the sound of a wind chime near to their house would cause them any issues. Both said “no”. So far, I have not received any complaints.
Wind chimes come in a vast array of designs and colors. The six that I have in my garden are completely different from each other. There is one topped with a Sun and the noise makers are moons and stars attached to several chains hanging below. One is topped by a watering can, below it hang chains with smaller watering cans attached. Another is made of a ring from which silver colored thin tubes hang. The oldest is simply made of small bells attached to chains that hang below. All of the wind chimes described above are metal. However, there is one made of a plastic material in rainbow colors each attached to a piece of driftwood. The latest acquisition was a birthday gift. It is a metal red truck top with black metal tubes hanging below. The sound is made by a metal star hanging between them as it moves and strikes the different tubes.
Most gardeners consider their gardens to be not only a food source, but also a magical place that allows them to escape when needed, and provides a type of therapy as well. Selecting wind chimes with sounds or themes that make you smile is a form of therapy or ‘magic’ in itself. I received the red truck chime as a gift because I have a room in my home decorated with red trucks and related themes. I also have a red truck Christmas tree that goes up every December. I also have a calendar with red trucks, well, you get the idea. The red truck theme is something I enjoy and it makes me smile. I was happy to add a red truck wind chime to my garden.
My favorite color is orange and many things I have added to my garden have been painted orange or came in that color. I even use a cut up bright orange t-shirt to make ties for my indeterminate tomato plants. I grow Marigolds, Zinnias, Lillies, Impatiens, Geraniums and Coleus that are in shades or orange. Since the garden is my special place, I try to put things in it that reflect my personality and make me happy. I am currently on the lookout for a wind chime that is orange.
All of my wind chimes except one are hanging on shepherd hooks. This allows me to move them around if I choose. The sun top and the watering can top wind chimes hang together on a double shepherd hook that is taller. They were too long to be placed on one of the three shorter shepherd hooks. I tried but they touched the ground. The red truck top wind chime is attached to the pergola on my patio. I wanted it close so I could see it every time I came out the back door.
Even though none of them are especially loud, I do not have any of the wind chimes placed directly outside my bedroom window. I took my mother’s words of caution so I wouldn’t be kept awake during heavy winds or storms. They are distributed around the area where I can see them from where I sit on the patio. I can hear them from that location as well. Most days there is a light breeze blowing in that space. The wind chimes provide a pleasant and gentle sound. So far, they do not compete or cause too much sound to be enjoyed.
One of the wind chimes is placed near a neighbor’s bedroom window. She assured me that the location was fine with her. She actually enjoys hearing it.
Sources For Buying Wind Chimes
If you are looking for a discount when buying wind chimes, check out garage sales and flea markets. I bought the sun top and watering can top wind chimes at a garage sale for $2 each. You can sometimes find them at flea markets. Of course, the cheapest alternative is if they are free. Drop hints to friends and family that you would like to receive a wind chime as a gift for your birthday, Christmas, etc. Be sure and give them ideas for designs or colors that you would most like to receive.
If you are able and willing to pay a little more, you can find a multitude of sites online where you can purchase wind chimes. Don’t forget to add in the shipping cost. To save the shipping cost, they can sometime be found at the big box stores like Walmart, Target, Lowe’s, Home Depot and more. The red truck top wind chime was purchased at Tractor Supply.
I have seen wind chimes at Garden Shows and Craft Festivals but don’t expect any discounts here unless it is the last day and the vendor is trying to move the last of their inventory.
There are often unique wind chimes sold in the gift shops at botanical gardens and similar locations. These usually have an amount added in to support the facility which means prices will almost always be higher than found at other stores. But, if you are going to spend extra on something you really, really want, supporting a botanical garden is in my opinion, one of the best places to do so.